Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why Short Blogs?

This week im like BLAH. 
Today went alright. 
Tomorrow I'm a little worried about.

shut up chago: ShutUpWeenie
thenameswit: xD oh chago
shut up chago: that's the part where you say
shut up chago: "BUT I CAN'T D:"
thenameswit: LOLOL
thenameswit: OMG SHUT UP CHAGITA
shut up chago: everytime we argue over trv
shut up chago: i'm always like ugh
thenameswit: o.o
shut up chago: "here, she takes over again"
thenameswit: T_______________T
shut up chago: hahahahahahaha
thenameswit: listen bitch
thenameswit: hush up
thenameswit: GAAH
thenameswit: I HAVE ONE MORE WEEK D:
thenameswit: OF CURSING
shut up chago: ponder this.
shut up chago: maybe you'll be better at it this time, eh?
thenameswit: T_T
shut up chago: hm? ponder it.
thenameswit: LOL SHUSH
shut up chago: BUT I CAN'T D:
thenameswit: SBAGHK
thenameswit: BABY
thenameswit: DO YOU SEE MY EYES
thenameswit: THEY'RE ABOUT TO CRY
thenameswit: love, why do you always do this to me? makin me feel guilty of the choices  i make.
shut up chago: i remember 06.
shut up chago: great first date.
thenameswit: T_T
shut up chago: whenever i visit
shut up chago: i hope i don't get
shut up chago: stuck in NYC
thenameswit: T____________________________T
shut up chago: lmaooo
shut up chago: it's okay, i'll stop eventually
shut up chago: i'm just in a
shut up chago: stupid stage.
thenameswit: T_T
thenameswit: omg
thenameswit: i am seriously gonna hurt you when i get down there
shut up chago: stop being so agressive. D:<
shut up chago: you're not better.
thenameswit: LMAO
thenameswit: OMG I HATE YOU XD
shut up chago: but you said i was your
shut up chago: dear chago.
shut up chago: =[
thenameswit: aw.
shut up chago: lmao
thenameswit: xD
shut up chago: HAHA
shut up chago: xD
thenameswit: you fool x]
henameswit: "i wonder if we'll knoe each other in six yrs"
shut up chago: lmao
shut up chago: of course we will
shut up chago: whre.
shut up chago: *whore.
thenameswit: how do you knoe o.o
shut up chago: well i'll definitely know you
shut up chago: unless i get amnesia.
thenameswit: NONO XD
thenameswit: I MEAN LIKE
thenameswit: if we'll still talk
shut up chago: no we're gonna get into a fight in three years
shut up chago: it'll last a year
shut up chago: THEN we'll be inseperable
shut up chago: but i'll get amnesia
shut up chago: and forget how to type.
shut up chago: that's after 'but i can't' is nominated for an emmy.
shut up chago: so you'll be preoccupied with your career to mend our relationship.
thenameswit: ..............
shut up chago: i, on the other hand, will be freezing in michigan
shut up chago: but i'll hear your song on the radio and it'll all hit me.
shut up chago: so i run a marathon to oregon
shut up chago: and rape you.
shut up chago: but we fall off a cliff
shut up chago: and both get amnesia.
thenameswit: ROFL XD
thenameswit: HOW DID WE END UP ON A CLIFF?!
shut up chago: oregon cliffs.
shut up chago: y'know
thenameswit: LOL XD
shut up chago: i go.
thenameswit: ): chago
thenameswit: first
shut up chago: but babyyyy
shut up chago: don't you see my eyes
shut up chago: they're so dry
thenameswit: LOL OMG XD
thenameswit: SHUSH
shut up chago: from lack of sleep
thenameswit: i knoe i knoe, but chago
shut up chago: wuh
thenameswit: do you love me?
shut up chago: yes.
thenameswit: LIES
thenameswit: i kid xD k night babe
shut up chago: DON'T YOU DARE QUESTION ME.
thenameswit: LOLOL
shut up chago: night. ^_^
thenameswit: XD<3


Danny said...


deviiwas; said...

i love reading your im's with chago !

Anonymous said...

yes yes, i second randeva!
"but that's after 'but i can't' is nominated for an Emmy" XD