Friday, January 30, 2009

Senior Trip Day 1

Had fun in the beginning; snow tubing=BESTTT
pillow fight=broken finger(friend); got sent to the hospital.

Why am i on my laptop when I should be having fun? 
Cause i dont feel even close to well.

So I called Chago, xD I knew he was sleeping, but i'm glad he talked to me for a few minutes.
He really does make me feel better.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What If's Are Fun

shut up chago: what if i got plastic surgery and looked exactly like you?
thenameswit: um
thenameswit: well
thenameswit: o.o
thenameswit: people would say..
thenameswit: we look more alike..
thenameswit: or
thenameswit: rockinbluechago
shut up chago: lmao. -_-
shut up chago: what if i wore a bottle hat on my head all the time?
thenameswit: with water o.o?
thenameswit: i would drink you
shut up chago: what if i gained 400 pounds?
thenameswit: more to hug
shut up chago: lmfao
shut up chago: what if i joined a band and became famous?
shut up chago: LMAO
shut up chago: what if i painted my skin orange everyday?
thenameswit: could i peel you?
shut up chago: technically..
shut up chago: i'm still human.
thenameswit: cant
thenameswit: dangit*
shut up chago: what if you woke up and found out i had surgically attached us together/
shut up chago: *?
thenameswit: half of you or full?
shut up chago: full.
shut up chago: like siamese twins.
thenameswit: ahh
thenameswit: you'd have to blindfold me when you go wee
shut up chago: oh sexy.
shut up chago: what if i was secretly a ninja?
thenameswit: i'd ask you to teach me your moves o.o
shut up chago: D:<
thenameswit: ?
shut up chago: what if my 50 clones and i moved into your house?
thenameswit: can i rape them all?
shut up chago: and we always said "aww soxehhh" at 4pm everyday at the same time.
thenameswit: hah!
thenameswit: oh dear T_T
thenameswit: luckily my internetship STARTS at 4
shut up chago: lmao -___-
thenameswit: LOL
shut up chago: what if i sent you on a rocket to mars?
thenameswit: i'd bring my laptop
thenameswit: so i could still talk to you ):
shut up chago: that's adorable.
shut up chago: you whore.
thenameswit: LOL
thenameswit: ^.^
thenameswit: its what i do
shut up chago: what if coco spoke with my voice?
thenameswit: i'd train her to say
thenameswit: "i love you"
shut up chago: lmao aw. i've seen a husky talk before and say that.
shut up chago: what if everybody on earth was a lion?
shut up chago: except for you and i.
thenameswit: time to repopulate
shut up chago: LMAO
shut up chago: what if i cut off all of your hair and wore it as a wig?
thenameswit: i'd shave all your hair and it that as my wig
shut up chago: what if i posted pictures of your mother all over the internet and she became an internet celebrity?
thenameswit: i'd make her whore my channel
shut up chago: whore.
thenameswit: duh
shut up chago: what if i signed off to go to bed?
thenameswit: i'd cry because you never tell me you love me xD
shut up chago: what if i did?
thenameswit: say what? o.o
shut up chago: what if i did? O_o
shut up chago: "night weenie i love you"
shut up chago: like that.
thenameswit: ^.^ i'd smile
shut up chago: night weenie i love you

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is my FAVORITE collab ever xD Zak is THE BEST!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rough Point In My Life

I've never felt so stressed out in my whole entire life. I've had mood swings like a crazy lady. It's gone to the point where even the tiniest thing ticks me off. I talked to Meghan about it :\ made me feel a little better. I was really upset at Chago today. I dont think i've ever been this upset at him, aside from the time where he told me i couldnt go to maryland. I've been getting the 'i wont do ...' or 'i wont be your friend' thing so many times where i got sick of it. Obviously he had to do that to me T_T i apologize for how much i curse (to amanda and justin) i was just really upset. on top of that a lot of people havent given in their clips yet. i am NOT waitin till 2am in the morning for those clips. i have an exam on thursday then friday im off to senior trip. i have so many thoughts running through my head, its kinda killin' me.

well, if anyone sees me--pls just hug me randomly, i'll highly appreicate it. and if i ask why did you hug me, dont say its cause you read my blog xD i'll probably get pissed xD lols

[12:58:45 AM] Whitney says: i need
[12:58:47 AM] Whitney says: a hug
[12:59:10 AM] Meghan says: gives hug*
[12:59:13 AM] Meghan says: BIG ONE*
[1:07:40 AM] Whitney says: ^.^

Monday, January 26, 2009

Yeh Chago, I Did It Again. HAHAHAH

thenameswit: WHAT SONG IS THAT FROM!?
thenameswit: EW CHAGO FONT
shut up chago: great first date.
shut up chago: yu,/
shut up chago: *l;jkag
thenameswit: o.o
thenameswit: it is?
shut up chago: yes.
shut up chago: us when we meet.
shut up chago: o l
thenameswit: OH XD
thenameswit: T_T
thenameswit: OMG
thenameswit: CHAGO
thenameswit: SHUT UP
shut up chago: o - hey weenie
shut up chago: l - ohai chagz
shut up chago: actually, i'm tall
shut up chago: and you're short.
shut up chago: let's pretend you have a hat.
shut up chago: O i
thenameswit: T_T
shut up chago: O - ohai
shut up chago: i - kin yew halp me
shut up chago: O - lolok
shut up chago: i - i is stuck in nyc
shut up chago: O - bai
shut up chago: i - *cries*
thenameswit: T_T
thenameswit: lmao i hate you fool xD
shut up chago: and this is vanessa:
shut up chago: v
thenameswit: o.O
shut up chago: O v - wut iz dat
shut up chago: i - ohai i'm weenie in dc
shut up chago: O - lol k
shut up chago: v - u hott
shut up chago: i - ya i noe
thenameswit: BAHAHAH
thenameswit: pshhhhh
thenameswit: shut up
thenameswit: i no hot
shut up chago: i - stfu chagz
shut up chago: O - BITE ME
shut up chago: i - *bitez*
shut up chago: O - *orgasm*
shut up chago: v - o_o
thenameswit: BAHAHAHAHAHA XD
shut up chago: then heather comes.
shut up chago: heather is 5
thenameswit: o.O
shut up chago: 5
shut up chago: 5 - SUP BITCHES
thenameswit: BAHAHAAHA XD
thenameswit: SHUT UP
shut up chago: v - ohai heather.
shut up chago: 5 - WHERE MAH MONEY BITCH
shut up chago: O - i couldn't get enough work tuesday night D:
shut up chago: v - i did ;D
shut up chago: 5 - MUHFUCKA YOU'D BETTA GET MAH $$$
shut up chago: i - lolwtf ^_^
shut up chago: heather is my pimp, you see.
thenameswit: oh my fricken god xD
thenameswit: shes 11!!
shut up chago: 5 - YEA AND WUT BITCH. AH'M 11, FUCKAZ.
thenameswit: LMFAO XD
shut up chago: O - OH GOD PLZ DNT HURT ME
thenameswit: ima kick you
thenameswit: chago D:
shut up chago: i - ima kick u
shut up chago: O - ;D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will Be Recording Today

shut up chago: is this about when we're gonna meet?
shut up chago: lmao i almost said meat.
thenameswit: yes x]
shut up chago: sweep me off my feet huh?
thenameswit: ..uh..
thenameswit: that just rhymed..
shut up chago: lmao
shut up chago: my lovely style?
shut up chago: you'll do anything to rhyme, bby
thenameswit: LOL XD
thenameswit: did you like it...o.o?
thenameswit: CHACHAD:<
shut up chago: i liked it xD
thenameswit: are you sure o.o
thenameswit: you arent like
thenameswit: "ew wtf bbq"
shut up chago: lmao naw.
shut up chago: your songs always seem to be inspired by little somethings and then stretched out like whoa.
shut up chago: i'm watching canadian commercials. o_o
shut up chago: they are so violent.
thenameswit: LOL random xD jeez
thenameswit: little somethings usually mean a lot to me xD
shut up chago: well then something somethings. x]
thenameswit: LOL how does that make sense? xD

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Miss Chago D:

well, at least you saw a preview of it on trv. ok, well i'm keeping lani up D: shame on me. NIGHT NIGHT

shut up chago: i have to go
thenameswit: i already did xD
thenameswit: ALEDGJ
thenameswit: )):
thenameswit: love you chago
shut up chago: love you too D:
shut up chago: bye x_x
thenameswit: bye!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Convo Starter

So I was talking to my new friend Jimmy through skype. Managed to start a new song w/ his help of course and awesome convo starters. So I experimented and this was the best reaction:

thenameswit: so how are the kids?
bpm497: ehh
bpm497: they're a handful
bpm497: they don't appreciate me.  I go to work all day
thenameswit: LOLOLOLOL
bpm497: and then I come home to find them watching tv instead of doing their homework. then i make their dinners because they don't want to eat what me and their mom are having
thenameswit: LOL oh dear lawrd
thenameswit: well stop adopting kids!!
thenameswit: ya fool
bpm497: I can't help it
bpm497: it's a sick habbit
bpm497: kids are like pokemon. you gotta catch em all

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why Short Blogs?

This week im like BLAH. 
Today went alright. 
Tomorrow I'm a little worried about.

shut up chago: ShutUpWeenie
thenameswit: xD oh chago
shut up chago: that's the part where you say
shut up chago: "BUT I CAN'T D:"
thenameswit: LOLOL
thenameswit: OMG SHUT UP CHAGITA
shut up chago: everytime we argue over trv
shut up chago: i'm always like ugh
thenameswit: o.o
shut up chago: "here, she takes over again"
thenameswit: T_______________T
shut up chago: hahahahahahaha
thenameswit: listen bitch
thenameswit: hush up
thenameswit: GAAH
thenameswit: I HAVE ONE MORE WEEK D:
thenameswit: OF CURSING
shut up chago: ponder this.
shut up chago: maybe you'll be better at it this time, eh?
thenameswit: T_T
shut up chago: hm? ponder it.
thenameswit: LOL SHUSH
shut up chago: BUT I CAN'T D:
thenameswit: SBAGHK
thenameswit: BABY
thenameswit: DO YOU SEE MY EYES
thenameswit: THEY'RE ABOUT TO CRY
thenameswit: love, why do you always do this to me? makin me feel guilty of the choices  i make.
shut up chago: i remember 06.
shut up chago: great first date.
thenameswit: T_T
shut up chago: whenever i visit
shut up chago: i hope i don't get
shut up chago: stuck in NYC
thenameswit: T____________________________T
shut up chago: lmaooo
shut up chago: it's okay, i'll stop eventually
shut up chago: i'm just in a
shut up chago: stupid stage.
thenameswit: T_T
thenameswit: omg
thenameswit: i am seriously gonna hurt you when i get down there
shut up chago: stop being so agressive. D:<
shut up chago: you're not better.
thenameswit: LMAO
thenameswit: OMG I HATE YOU XD
shut up chago: but you said i was your
shut up chago: dear chago.
shut up chago: =[
thenameswit: aw.
shut up chago: lmao
thenameswit: xD
shut up chago: HAHA
shut up chago: xD
thenameswit: you fool x]
henameswit: "i wonder if we'll knoe each other in six yrs"
shut up chago: lmao
shut up chago: of course we will
shut up chago: whre.
shut up chago: *whore.
thenameswit: how do you knoe o.o
shut up chago: well i'll definitely know you
shut up chago: unless i get amnesia.
thenameswit: NONO XD
thenameswit: I MEAN LIKE
thenameswit: if we'll still talk
shut up chago: no we're gonna get into a fight in three years
shut up chago: it'll last a year
shut up chago: THEN we'll be inseperable
shut up chago: but i'll get amnesia
shut up chago: and forget how to type.
shut up chago: that's after 'but i can't' is nominated for an emmy.
shut up chago: so you'll be preoccupied with your career to mend our relationship.
thenameswit: ..............
shut up chago: i, on the other hand, will be freezing in michigan
shut up chago: but i'll hear your song on the radio and it'll all hit me.
shut up chago: so i run a marathon to oregon
shut up chago: and rape you.
shut up chago: but we fall off a cliff
shut up chago: and both get amnesia.
thenameswit: ROFL XD
thenameswit: HOW DID WE END UP ON A CLIFF?!
shut up chago: oregon cliffs.
shut up chago: y'know
thenameswit: LOL XD
shut up chago: i go.
thenameswit: ): chago
thenameswit: first
shut up chago: but babyyyy
shut up chago: don't you see my eyes
shut up chago: they're so dry
thenameswit: LOL OMG XD
thenameswit: SHUSH
shut up chago: from lack of sleep
thenameswit: i knoe i knoe, but chago
shut up chago: wuh
thenameswit: do you love me?
shut up chago: yes.
thenameswit: LIES
thenameswit: i kid xD k night babe
shut up chago: DON'T YOU DARE QUESTION ME.
thenameswit: LOLOL
shut up chago: night. ^_^
thenameswit: XD<3