Saturday, February 21, 2009

I've Been Forgetting

Last night was awesome. Saw Caroline and went on Blogtv AND CHAGO CAME BACK :D FINALLY! I don't have much to say. Especially since I really haven't done too much during the week. Kari has my camera!! GAAAH I never thought I would miss something so much D: I just called Kari and she's coming over tomorrow!! I'm so excited, I invited Siobhan and Randeva too!! Party time once again :D I'm gonna clean my room, do some of my homework and hope to get it done by manana. I feel really good today, I have no idea why. I think it's cause I'm cleaning my room and listening to music. Oh!! And Hannah just called me! She's with Bridget! Talk about craziness! I wish I could meet them. D: Oh well, as long as they're having fun I'm happy. My two daughters :) Weeeeee Now I have to meet Chago and call up Hannah and Bridget. ): *sigh* 

Oh and Kayla; BlogSpot was being a little twat; I couldnt fix everything in my last blog, it cut off you and some of the things I said to Leah. x] So here;

Kayla--What can I say about you, my sheep twin. It's been four years already and I have a feeling that we'll be friends until we get to be 98 and lose our memories. Even then I have a feeling that we'll IM each other and be like "who the heck are you?"-wit "SHEEP!?"-kayla. Yeh, you were my first internet friend and I'm glad that we're still together ^-^ 

Here's the reason for Leah
Leah--You're simply amazing. You're very talented and friendly, and Im glad that I'm able to call you my friend and tell you my love stories x] I miss talking to you!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Aww now I feel the love! :)