Sunday, February 8, 2009


Gah, i'm such a fool. Trying to relax, but I'm not doing anything better for myself. I've been thinking about Oregon more and more lately. I'm taking PSU very seriously. I don't want to stay in this hell hole I call home. I really just want to start over. I know myself well, whenever I'm somewhere new, I'm not the same person. I tried changing in the beginning of senior yr, I kinda did, but people just brought me back to the same old me. Idk whether thats a good or bad thing, but to me i just don't like it. The weirdest thing happened today though, I saw myself...driving?! idk, whatever. ANYWAYS, im making a new song :D its not depressing! its lovely! unless i change the lyrics tomorrow, but i probably wont. made a videooooooooooo ^_^ it'll be up by tomorrow hopefully. (but i cant music video) I LEARNED HOW TO USE VEGASSS. WOO. oh and one more thing T_T I STILL LIKE HIM; ADHLVDFDGH RAWR GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD

1 comment:

Skunkmoney said...

That is why I am still up and not sleeping wonderfully in my bed.
PSU, is that where you are going next year?

P.S. I want your sunglasses and hair.