So speaking of adam, he called me last night while I was having a sleepover with Cooper at 2AM D:<>
But later on.. he sent me this :D
"i spent ten minutes typing out a comment.
then i clicked post.
and it had an error.
and erased it alllllll.
but here it goes, this time in message form:
one year ago today, the foundations of the most prolific youtube friendship in history were laid.
the duo have sued the postal system, decided to get medically impossible cosmetic transplant surgeries (note that the impossibility did not damper their determination), created top secret documents, hugged on more than one occasion, and (much to the mortification of one of the two) fangirled together several times.
through vlogging group drama, late night skype calls, time-zone/bedtime discrepencies, and some early political differences, the two have remained a shining example of all that is desirable in a friendship.
their flawless and gleaming relationship should be looked upon by all those to come as a model of a perfect partnership, and will no doubt go down in history (or at least become an internet meme).
now go to bed. D:<"
Today, I went xmas shopping, got meghan vivien and leah something :D i'm so excited to do more shopping!!! GAAH!
thats awesome! i love that youtube has brought me friends i never would have met otherwise. the community is the best part.
I love snow! Sorry you had to re type everything!
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