Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today--Twin Day, but no one really cared about twin day. I felt like today was more like "Bad Luck Day". I felt that I need something lucky today just because tuesdays tend to be the worst day of my week. Bleh classes, and that stupid history class after school is interfeiring with my internship! D:< Things went alright though, cause of my lucky "you rock you rule" shirt. (THANKS KAYLA!) I will tell you how my day went:

Really didn't do much, but I did participate.

A BUNCH of kids went on trips, so there was like eight of us in a class room. It was a fun dicussion though.

College Bound;
Ana wasn't there :D so free period!!


Talked about the past with friends.

Basically free period.

Senior Seminar;
I realized I take that class very seriously.

Year Book;
Fun stuff, ate JUNK FOOD

Did not have a good feeling about sitting in that class, but it was alright.

Global Action Project;
The leader of the internship was a bit mad that we came like oober late. I was a bit dissappointed in myself. :\ But it was fun!! I was in Andrew's group again x] He's really nice and funny. Gah, and he's really cute. I actually had a convo with him :D:D:D *dances* New crush possibly?


ShutUpChago said...

Physics sounded exciting.

I say you pounce on this Andrew kid.

Kayla said...

Haha you're welcome! :P


Danny said...
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Danny said...

Sounds like fun