Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thoughts Spinning

Finally a day where I feel a bit "supernatural". I really didn't do much, my mom forced me to go out with her though. I just stayed in the car, that was such a waste. Afterwards I went on blogtv, that was pretty fun, got up to 15 viewers. I'm actually surprised that I'm usually getting this many viewers. Usually I'd be lucky to get three. It was fun though, I actually did talk, but I don't think that many people were paying attention to what I was saying. I did get to wear my new hat finally. Some times I feel like it looks funny on me, but hey I still like it. Someone said that it would better on Chago, that I don't doubt.

At the moment, I have this really strong urge to just IM john(dudeneedaeaseonup), but I am way too nervous. Like seriously, he's kinda big on youtube x] I really wanna meet him though since he lives in brooklyn!! Plus I love the way he sings x]

Another thing that I've been up to today is my music. Sarah downloaded a lot of songs for me, which I thank for so much. Julia also got me TWO tokyo police club songs♥ I'm so happy now. Then I went on myspace and downloaded Henry Homesweet's whole album cause it was free. His techno songs make me think of things I would have never thought before. Like I could see me actually being somewhere else. Some of the songs remind me of a haunted area which made me start thinking of some AWESOME video ideas for halloween. I am SO stuck on video ideas atm, its like really crazy.

My schedule was basically suppose to be like this:

18th-dont date wit
23rd-Villain chapter 2
27th-music video

But my plans are kinda ruined for these reasons:
one) the 18th i'm in cali, so i might do my music video with meg if she wants and then upload it on the 27th?
two)kadin most likely is busy on tuesday so i cant make a vid with him till i get back :(
three)GAHNESS cause i have other ideas for my halloween vid, plus the 20th is my one yr anniversary.

I might not do anything special for that though. I think I'm gonna get started on my collab first then. I guess its not too bad rearranging the dates.

Henry Homesweet is seriously a great techno..person thing..rofl x]


LCSsings said...


Yes, plz x]

ShutUpChago said...

This collab, I am dying to see.


Bridget said...

collab + kadin plz.

and if we do villian chap 2, i need script again D: