Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Nightmares

Usually, halloween is my favorite day out of the year, but this halloween scared me so much. During the day, my schedule was changed AGAIN, ugh -_- The day was alright though, until I went trick or treating with my sister and dog. My dog got escaped and almost got hit by a CAR!! I FREAKED!!!!!!!! I SCREAMED SO DAMN LOUD, THEN STARTED RUNNING AFTER HER! I'm a pretty fast runner, but come on, she's a husky. Plus, I wasn't able to run that fast because my sister was still at that house that she was getting candy at. I've never felt this scared on halloween. When Coco ran to our backyard, I made sure she didn't go anywhere. Going through my ally at night though...jesus can't see anything and I mean ANYTHING!! I told my sister to wait for me, but she followed me!! D:< Coco was safe though and I put the leash properly on her collar. My mom put it on wrong before, that's why Coco got out. Everything turned out okay though. I got a Twilight shirt :D woohoo!! Jeez I'm such a fangirl. Btw- the picture up above has to relate to a video I'll be posting up soon.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Everything Worked In My Favor

Woo!!! Today was probably perfectly planned without me TRYING to plan it. So I really wanted to go to the internship today, but I was scared that Nick might chase after me for the history thing after school. Turns out, they were having this weird dismissal thing, where EVERY high school student had to get out of the building by 3:10 cause there's a threat agaisnt the students saying that there's gonna be a "halloween fight." Idk, something crazy like that. But anyways, so I left and so did just about all the history students xD I went straight to the internship with Karla.

Gosh, my internship is the best thing that's happened to me. I have so much fun and I feel so relax and open with almost everyone. Plus, learning about the camera and filming, it's just so great. So let me tell you how everyone in my internship is.

Internship Leaders-Both very funny, awesome, nice, and relaxful.

Andrew-*sigh* He's gorgeous xD He's so nice, funny, very friendly. I started talking to him this tuesday and today ♥ I guess we kinda flirted. I'm glad I got to talk to him a lot today. He really does look like Iya, but way cuter. I want his number and sn xD There was a point where I was the sound person and he grabbed the mic. He kept making noises and I was like "stop xD" He even asked people "how loud can you scream?" and i was like "NOO!! DONT DO IT!" ♥ Hopefully, I'll get something on tuesday ;)

Lily-She's SO funny and speaks her mind about anything. She also knoes a lot about film. That's so cool!

Warren-I'm getting the sense that he likes me, and no offense, but he is NOT my type. He has to stop getting close to me.

Cheryl-There was something about her since the first day. The ways she talks is ICK. She's ASHAMED!! OF BEING HISPANIC! She rather be INDIAN! That's totally unexpected. She has a boyfriend yet flirts Andrew. She tries too hard! She always goes up to him, and today she tugged his hair!! He got pissed though. So pissed he got up and walked to the other side. I'M GLAD! That bitch, she has a boyfriend, she should back off and stay with her hispanic boyfriend.

Other than that, I just love thinking about Andrew xD Halloween's tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do. Nick is probably going to have a morning discussion with everyone xD Whatever, the school shouldn't force everyone to be dismissed. Time to do homework. LOL I'm listening to the tv with sarah palin, and everyone is boo-ing at her ♥ that made my day. Actually, Andrew made my day xD Oh p.s. today--decades day, i kinda looked like I was from the 90's..mehhhhh

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Can I shoot my mistakes in the foot?
I'd feel much better about everything.
This morning, Nick brought all the history after school class into one room.
He basically almost threaten us, saying that we HAVE to go to this class every Tuesday, Thursday and now even Friday.
I just found out about this last thursday, and turns out the class has been going on for weeks.
Last thursday I didn't go because I already told my internship leader that I was going.
I did go on tuesday though, and i came late to the internship.
TOO late.
I NEED to talk to a teacher asking if I can take that class during the day, IDC what Nick says.
I freakin' LOVE my internship.
Ugh, why did I have to screw up my life.
Oh btw; today--rep. your flag day.
Too many flags to rep, so didn't bother.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today--Twin Day, but no one really cared about twin day. I felt like today was more like "Bad Luck Day". I felt that I need something lucky today just because tuesdays tend to be the worst day of my week. Bleh classes, and that stupid history class after school is interfeiring with my internship! D:< Things went alright though, cause of my lucky "you rock you rule" shirt. (THANKS KAYLA!) I will tell you how my day went:

Really didn't do much, but I did participate.

A BUNCH of kids went on trips, so there was like eight of us in a class room. It was a fun dicussion though.

College Bound;
Ana wasn't there :D so free period!!


Talked about the past with friends.

Basically free period.

Senior Seminar;
I realized I take that class very seriously.

Year Book;
Fun stuff, ate JUNK FOOD

Did not have a good feeling about sitting in that class, but it was alright.

Global Action Project;
The leader of the internship was a bit mad that we came like oober late. I was a bit dissappointed in myself. :\ But it was fun!! I was in Andrew's group again x] He's really nice and funny. Gah, and he's really cute. I actually had a convo with him :D:D:D *dances* New crush possibly?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bussiness Day

Today--Bussiness Day. I did dress up, but not too fancy. Just a nice shirt, black pants, and the necklace meghan and i have but mines red x] I took so many pictures and I love most of them. Not that many people noticed that I wore a new shirt, but meh. My hair was great though :D Not in the morning, Shante asked if I combed it xD I lied and told her I didn't. My hair just gets frizzy when I'm outside. Kay, so let's see how today went;

Participated a fair amount.

Thandi wasn't here :D
Senior Seminar;
Yelled SHUT UP cause my friend was being rude and got caught -_-

Took my ID picture and I look bleh.

Showed friends Scarlet tumbles and we all CRACKED UP!!

Fooled around just taking pictures and watching videos.

I was going to ask my art teacher if I can stop taking his class so I can take history over instead of doing it after school. But got to nervous :\ Tomorrow is gonna be a tough day for me. I can feel the pressure already. Also, Malcolm scratch my face today xD that won't go away for a while.

*Sigh* So many things have been bothering me lately, but i've been trying to keep positive.

I like him so much. He probably knows it but doesn't want me to tell him, because seriously what would happen afterwards? "i like you" " i like you too" then what? I have so much doubt about many things, not just him.

I just life was a little more simplier and all my friends would live in one city. That way, i could see them without buying a plane ticket. Let's hope the future turns out alright

Sunday, October 26, 2008

High Lights of The Day

thenameswit: shush
shut up chago: k
thenameswit: HADLGJSF
thenameswit: NO
thenameswit: I WAS JOKING D:
shut up chago: hadlgjsf
shut up chago: having a dumb lonely girl just satisfies feellinecancer.
thenameswit: ...
thenameswit: BAHAHA, WTH
shut up chago: bananas and hormones are hectic and willing to hate.
thenameswit: XD CHAGO STOP!
shut up chago: xzylophones, duh. chago has a great orthodontist, she takes optimstic pictures.
thenameswit: LMFAO, YOU HOE
shut up chago: eh i don't feel like doing it anymore
thenameswit: good x]

shut up chago: youtube reccomended a video to me called "You Are A Bitch"
shut up chago: now i'm trying to comment somebody's page
shut up chago: and it's saying to enter the text "bichistl"
thenameswit: ...bahahaHAHAHAHA

shut up chago: i want one now D:<
shut up chago: i already wanted one
shut up chago: but i want one more now.
thenameswit: -_-
shut up chago: it'll be of your face
thenameswit: HAH
thenameswit: shut up
shut up chago: and it will say
shut up chago: RockinBlueWeenie
thenameswit: aw, x]
thenameswit: NOW SHUSH
thenameswit: D:<
shut up chago: D:<
shut up chago: >:U
shut up chago: >:Y

shut up chago: the kids were actually dancing
shut up chago: i didn't dance at that age.
shut up chago: i rolled.
thenameswit: ROFL
thenameswit: ROLLED?!
shut up chago: yep.
shut up chago: lmao
thenameswit: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ROLL!?
shut up chago: you saw how i looked. xD
thenameswit: HAHAHAHA

thenameswit: chago
thenameswit: i'm gonna do this to you
shut up chago: ew don't send me porn.
shut up chago: LMAO
shut up chago: that is so cool.
thenameswit: PORN!?
thenameswit: you perv -_-

thenameswit: did you knoe
thenameswit: that i love you ^.^
shut up chago: did you know
shut up chago: that delphine lalaurie performed vicious experiments on her slaves?
thenameswit: yes i actually did knoe that
thenameswit: JERK D:<
shut up chago: really?
shut up chago: it's so gross.
thenameswit: shush
shut up chago: :X
thenameswit: D: JK
shut up chago: ahh
shut up chago: i've g2g soon.
thenameswit: ..D:
thenameswit: WHY
thenameswit: jerk
shut up chago: mcsea meeting xD
thenameswit: -_-
thenameswit: not even an "ily bock"
thenameswit: jerkkkkkkkk
shut up chago: ily back.
thenameswit: TOO LATE D:<
thenameswit: ITS CAUSE
thenameswit: YOU'RE YES THEN YOU'RE NO
thenameswit: YOU'RE IN THEN YOU'RE OUT
shut up chago: smiles and her laughter
shut up chago: it's the only thing that i've been waiting forrrr
shut up chago: a time, regardless of our distance and our hope
thenameswit: o.o?
shut up chago: cause we're trapped by pretty eyes and letters for a time
shut up chago: the only thing that i've been waiting forrrr
shut up chago: i hope it's something worth the waiting
shut up chago: cause it's the ONLY THOUGHT THAT I EVER FEEL REAL
thenameswit: O.O
thenameswit: XD
shut up chago: lmao i love this song.
thenameswit: i see i see
shut up chago: because
shut up chago: thunderstorms could never stop me.
thenameswit: .........
thenameswit: emi-_-
thenameswit: WELL CHAGO
shut up chago: lmao
shut up chago: oh weenie. x]

Yeh basically, chago makes me happy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Babysitting a Party

So Heather's party was today and it was really fun. I'm used to hanging out will kids that are younger than me. In this situation, most of them were 6 years younger than me. I know how to work with them though. I didn't know what to dress up as, so I just got my witch costume that i used many times. It's starting to get smaller. Usually when it comes to parties, I like to be the one in charge, I love having power over little people. Rofl, x] one day i'll rule the world with them!! A lot of them wanted to dance with me and it was great. Except towards the middle cause people wanted to watch a movie, but they were way to hyper to watch a movie. I really had to yell at that moment because they were all so loud. Finally we made a decision to have a talent contest. My sister started going off by herself. She always does that, she's way too shy. I kept trying to invovle her in the things that the kids do. Whatever though, I had fun and so did the kids. I was the only one in charge during most of the party cause my parents were out. Talk about crazy. It was also hard to vlog my day, but I'm almost done.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Easy Peasy

Here is Chago's in 30 years. Not the asian dude, the panda. He's flying to nyc to finally meet me. I will soon hug a panda named Chago.

Got sick
Went home early
Finished stencil
Convo w/ Chago
Chago embarrassed me when I was on the phone with Karla

The end?

Oh I forgot to mention. I wrote more;

I didn't even bother to change into my pjs. I jumped straight to bed and tried to fall asleep. Thoughts and questions kept running through my head though. Why did Chase ask so many questions about Sean? Where is Sean from? Maybe Chase was right...or just jealous. Ick, why would he be jealous? Isn't he going to end up with Charlotte....Nahhh. I wasn't able to sleep that well because of all these questions. What I was mainly thinking about though was about Sean. It's so strange how we didn't say anything yet I felt so connected. Suddenly, I felt a cold wind brush on my arm. It was strange because I closed all the windows, so I put on my blanket. Just in case of irony, I checked the time. It was 10:17pm just like I predicted. Something strange happens in this house around this time and I'm going to figure what tomorrow.
I woke up to the sun shining through my dark red curtains. The basement has never felt so warm since I came here. Yet again, I woke up to 10:17. Maybe my clock was just broken. There was a note with a rose next to my alarm clock. All it said was 10.17. Did someone know about my timing crisis? Why a rose? The handwriting was perfect script as if that note was printed out from a computer. I put the note in my back pocket to go around and ask how wrote this. It pissed me off, like I needed to see those two numbers more often. I ran upstairs and first went up to Fiona.
"Tell me why you were in my room," I demanded.
"Dad.....!," she completely ignored me! It was probably because it looked like I was going to explode. She just called her father so that I would walk away.
"Listen Fiona! I know it was you that put this note on my desk!" So I wasn't a hundred percent sure that it was her who did it, but I thought it was.
"Maroby, your room is locked. Fiona hates the night, what makes you think she left you think number?," Uncle Ed asked.
"Well, I don't know! She told me yesterday that she wasn't "afraid of me" and that she knows how to use magic! I assumed it was her," I can't believe I just said that.
"MAROBY! There will be NO speak of magic in this house! ESPECIALLY in front of my own daughter! How dare you say something like that! I think you need to take a walk outside," Ed wasn't suggesting, he was secretly demanding. So I took this order, grabbed my jacket and left the house. I was seven blocks away from my house only ten more blocks to go. No one was in town, not even the trees moved. Suddenly, I saw a car come up my way.
"Hey Maroby, need a lift?" It was Sean once again. I accepted his invitation and we went off to the same place we met. During the whole car hard, we didn't speak at all or look at each other. We really paid attention to the scenery. Once we got out of the car, I ran straight to sit next to the river. "Is this your favorite place?," he asked while coming down to sit next to me. "Well, it's open, almost no one comes here and the trees speak to me," I replied trusting that he wouldn't react badly.
"What are they saying?," he questioned.
"They're telling me to relax and let things go."
"What things?"
"Memories of my Uncle's house and my other home."
"Where's your other home?"
"Oh sorry, am I asking too many questions?"
"No..let's just say I don't live anywhere by here," I wasn't THAT open with him yet.
"From the west coast?," he asked.
"Cool, I've lived here all my life," that statement got me thinking a lot because Chase knows everyone here, how could he miss one person?

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I hate my academic life.
I'm a smart girl, just lazy.
I need to actually have interest in what classes i'm taking.
I failed history because i was afraid that even if i did my work it would never be good enough.
I'm in this film internship on tuesdays and thursday.
I've enjoyed going to it for the past week now.
I've never enjoyed spending HOURS on anything till now.
My schedule was changed yesterday.
I have to make up credits after school on tuesdays and thursday.
I wish i wasn't such an idiot for the choices i made.
Now, i have to stop doing something i love for something i hate.
I'm going to ask if i can do it during the day.
I hate these two words combined:
Like I really wanna STAY in school.
*sigh* and people want my life, hah.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do I Win At Life Yet?

Got to make a video with Kadin, had fun at Sadie Nash, ..sadly got my schedule changed. But on the brighter side, I finally talked to John. :) He's super cool.

thenameswit: lol, ok so chago told me
thenameswit: that you think we look alike x]
thenameswit: do we really!?
J0hnmanRoolz: absolutely
thenameswit: no way
thenameswit: xD
thenameswit: lies!
J0hnmanRoolz: you are twinzes
thenameswit: its not true D:
thenameswit: its cause we're both peruvian isnt it ?
J0hnmanRoolz: maybe
J0hnmanRoolz: XD
J0hnmanRoolz: maybe I just have racist eyes

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Iya Look Alike

I thought today was going to be a stressful day, but it turned out pretty cool. Internship was the best just because there was a HOT guy that looked EXACTLY(but a little hotter) like Iya. I almost died. Ok, so I kinda just realized I'm a little too boy crazy atm. It's cause I really want a boyfriend. I even flirted with stupid Eugene ffs. I dont like him at all, i mean i used to, but no i just flirt with him when i feel ...*sigh* lonely -_- I hate saying that. I'm only thinking of one guy right now, and his name isn't Kadin. Meghan finally made me realize that maybe I should tell him that I like him. I mean I have for a while and I've never felt like this about anyone before...i just hope its not to late for him to like me back since we've became such good friends. I'm even talking to Leah and Vivien about it. Gah, i hate crushing on guys cause they tend to never like me back xD

Oh btw; tonight equal EPIC LOVE CRY CONVO with leah and viv.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I feel different yet exactly the same. It's probably because Alina gave me the nicest song I've ever heard. I felt like I was upstate with someone..and I could picture the video already. I just need that one guy. When I listen to the song, I see the dark blue sky with lanterns outside. Our face blue because of the darkness, laying on the grass watching the stars show up one by one. Idk, i rarely have those visions. It's nice though, make me feel like I'm on a cloud.

After that song stopped I kept watching this thing I made for chago and it made BOTH of us CRACK UP!! (i thanks hannah) But yeh, i srsly love this kid. Look at our convos!

shut up chago: .__9
shut up chago: pink eye.
thenameswit: ROFL
thenameswit: WTF
thenameswit: d=T chago
thenameswit: LOLOL
shut up chago: wtf lmao
shut up chago: E:
shut up chago: whitney
thenameswit: ROFL
thenameswit: ARE THOSE
shut up chago: yes.
thenameswit: MY BANGS
thenameswit: HAHAHA
shut up chago: lmao

Bleh, and also YT partnership replied to me finally.
Thank you for your interest in the YouTube Partner Program. Our goal is to extend invitations to as many partners as we can. Unfortunately we are unable to accept your application at this time. Your account does not contain sufficient original new content that represents the uniqueness of our community.
That's the first time I got one of those. Meh, try harder i guess

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Goodbye Cali, Hello New York

So over all, I found out California is not a place that I would love to live in, but I did enjoy my stay. I do feel like a vampire though since I did think the sun was too bright x] Is it my fault I forgot to bring my sunglasses? Today though was probably the most boring yet thoughtful day I had. I was thinking about four new video ideas. Two which I really want to do, but I need a better editing program, like now! One doesnt need great editing cause it's a vlog, its good though x] It's about airplanessss. Also, while I was on the airplane no one really bothered me (FORONCE) so i kinda was sleeping. Like my head kept falling down and I woke up or something would happen. For instant, I put my iPod really loud so I couldn't hear anyone and I could sleep. The song "Must be Dreamin'" by The Maine came on and I dreamt that I was trying to meet Chago and we were on the same train. Finally when I was about to hug him, (the thing felt SO REAL) I woke up to bumping my head on the chair in front of me x] My mom laughed and I was like "D:<" Well, I was thinking about youtubers before I went to sleep. I called Zak as soon as I landed in Georgia :( I wish I could have met him. I'm really thinking about going to Georgia in the future just for fun, but I'd need a place to stay. Anyways, after that I called Chago and we talked until my phone died. It truly is a joy talking to him x] I was going to call Meghan but I wanted her to get her rest since she was awake for over 24 hours. I couldn't pull that off even if I tried. It's 10:35 cali time which means its like 1:35 nyc time x] and i'm uploading the video for trv. Whatever, it's worth it. I dont plan on going to school tomorrow anyways. Give me a break, I had a longggggggggg weekend x] This is still the best week I've had in AGES

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today has been SUCH an exciting day. Scratch that, THIS WEEK has been the best week I have experienced all year long!! First Charlie&Alex, now Meghan, Vivien, Todd, and Drake!! Jeez! I met three out of the fiveawesomeguys!! How lucky of me x] So last night I went to sleep at around 8:30 pst. I woke up at 11pm!! then 12pm then 5am but I still think I got enough sleep. I met Meghan and her friends around 7:30am. It was so funny cause they video tapped every moment in the morning. I look horrible in the morning. Meghan surprisingly didn't look different from her videos. I don't know some people do. Her brother and friends are really nice x] We all went out to Soka University. I realized though that it's not the place for me. I mean like I wouldn't mind going to school there but I am not a Cali person that's for sure.

Oh did I mention, Meghan and I attempted to make a HSM pose. x] Failure?

After that we went to the Hollywood gathering!! I came a bit late because I had to stay at the college a little longer, but I still got to Hollywood! The first person I met there was VIVIEN!! Two best friends in one day!! Jeez I was extremely happy. In fact, once I saw her across the street I SCREAMED!! and so did she x] We had such a BLAST!! Like we've been friends since we were babies. Eating at Johnny Rockets and shopping at H&M, aw man if I could I'd do it all over again!! We both had the same shirt x] Such nerds. Oh well, we rocked those shirts. This one random guy came up to us thinking our shirts were from a band. I also met Todd!! He was tall x] and funny, Drake was really nice to even though I didn't get to talk to him that much. Most of my day was either with viv or meg. How else would I wanna spend it? Well, if Adam, Zak, and Chago were there I'd probably die from a happy heart attack... if that made any sense? rofl x] I really wanna thank my parents so much. I'll try to get them something good for xmas :D

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ten Seventeen

My wish came true. I'm going to the HOLLYWOOD YOUTUBE GATHERING!! I'm just going to be an hour late. The tour for my college ends at 3pm, I hope Meghan can stay with me till then cause it'd be a fun drive with her. My head has been a little dizzy recently but I think it's cause of the water or something idk. Nevermind probably the breakfast food because my mom has a headache too. I just went to the beach and it was a bit lovely. The ocean water is much cleaner than the ocean water on the east, but I felt weird because it's October x] We're not suppose to go to the beach around this time.
Anyways, speaking of the date, today is my sister's birthday!! But also the number I see just about everyday for the past several years. 10.17 It scares me, it really does. But at least Heather is now 11, so it's 11.17. When I turned 17, I was SO freaked out when my dad said "Now Heather's 10 and you're 17" and i was like O.O 10.17 I know it kinda sounds like that movie 23, but it's not! I just happen to see that number at least once a day. I'm going to vlog soon, hopefully this video will be good since I have clips with CHARLIE AND ALEX♥ Still the best day ever.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Woke up at 6am in the morning like usual, but not for school this time. This time, I woke to head to the airport. For some reason, this year I haven't like plane rides. I used to love it. Even my mom says when I was little I never cried through a plane ride. In fact, I smiled and giggle and such. I'm a weird kid, I know. The plane went from Utah to California. I was trying to sleep the whole ride, and I becamely extremely tired after the ride. My eyes were red and heavy. I wanted to sleep. But instead we went to this strange yet good mexican restuarant. When I say strange I mean fancy and rude, rofl. x] The scenery was lovely though. I kinda have this feeling that I'm not a cali person though, because during the day the sun was SO FREAKING BRIGHT!! I felt like a vampire who wanted to hide away from the sun! That's how bad it was!!! The sunset was lovely though and the nights are relaxing too. I'm really excited for saturday though, I wish I didn't have to visit that stupid college :\ YOUTUBE GATHERINGS FTW♥

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Charlie is so WHERE like!?




Talk about the best day everrrrrrrr. So I went on a trip today and it was fun. Got to see an awesome play, "The Kite Runner". Then ate at a restuarant with the 9th and 12th grade since the 10th and 11th were taking PSAT. Then I called up my mom and i was like "hey mom is it alright if i hang out in manhattan with karla and etc." since we were already in manhattan. She said yeh, and Marcela wanted to go to Toy R Us AND I'M SO GLAD SHE DID. Randeva wanted to go to the hot wheels section which also has video games. Now i don't play video games, but i'm so glad i didnt mind today.

As soon as we were going to leave, i saw a guy who looked like alex(nerimon) and i wasnt sure if that was him, but then standing next to him was CHARLIE IS SO COOL LIKE!!! so i go "...charlie??" and he turns around and i was like ":O i knoe you from youtube!!" Charlie was a little shy, but Alex was really nice x] I took several videos with them, and i'm putting it up on friday. I got to hug them four(?) times!! Why four? Cause the first time i hugged them it looked like i was leaving, but then randeva wanted a hug, so we went back and i hugged them again. Then my friend karla was like "get an autograph, this is like a once and a life time oppurtunity" so we went back and talked to the guys a bit, it was funny. BUT MY DAD called at the wrong time and i was there trying to get my dad to shut up cause i wanted to talk to charlie. x] Randeva even taped it!! then I did mention about the whole "i saw you shave your head x]" oh whyyyy. charlie asked to take a picture of alex, my friend and me. its on his iphone :D:D:D:D They were really nice! Gah, seriously i LOVE today.

They probably thought I was insane.. oh well..

Oh and did i mention..i got their "autograph" too x]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lucky Day I Suppose

Today was a very very lucky day. I got up in the morning just thinking to myself, "crap i didnt do my math homework i'll probably pretend i'm sick and go home early". Plus, I THOUGHT i had a government exam, but now I don't know WHEN you're having it. ET didn't collect the math homework though :D In fact its due next week, lucky meee. I talked to Dylan today for the first time in a long time, and jeez I never knew he cursed so much. Kadin also talked to me x] I dont knoe why but i was in a good mood. I handed in my notebook for english and i just had a FEELING that it was going to be due today -_- ugh. After that I was suppose to do a lot of things this clip for this collab...and i did chago's song :D:D:D i was a little nervous about it, but he featured it :D I also had a blogtv show :D it actually went great!! A lot of people came in :) I enjoyed it mucho. Tomorrow though, i'm posting up my PART TWO VILLAIN VIDEO!!
here's a preview ^.^ Well, I should go to bed "early" tonight..later gator

Monday, October 13, 2008

Music Memories

So today I woke up exactly at 11am, ^.^ it feels good waking up that late. What sucks about today though is that I HAVE to register for the SATs, but I'm waiting for my dad because last time I made some mistakes. There is of course a 22$ fee, which I feel kinda bad about. I also have to finish my math homework, and english. I probably should have done that earlier..but I really feel lazy since tomorrow is the only day where I have actual school. Wednesday is a field trip, then thursday i'm off to Cali. I'm REALLY hoping that on saturday everything goes great. Meghan's gonna get to laguna beach around 6am so I'll probably get up around that time just so we can really spend every minute together. I'm soooo excited ^.^, but also kinda sad cause there's a gathering the day meghan and i are meeting. :( curse my timing.

Today I finally charged my phone and the first who I called is Chago. When he told me that he was walking back home for some ODD reason I imagined the same scenery as twilight o.o why? Probably because when I picture twilight I picture upstate and Maryland is kinda "up" there(?) haha. I'm also making him an xmas gift, and hopefully he'll like it x] OH! wanna see something ironic. So after I was done talking I went to google and this popped up.

DO YOU SEE IT?! IT SAYS PERU LONDON, ITS A SIGN!!! rofl x] Oh and today I found bloodhound gang again♥ I miss that band so much. Jimmy Pop ♥ THE CD IS ONLY TEN DOLLARS NOW!! ZOMG!! It's a band that makes me smile. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo ♥

What doesnt make me smile though is that my mom is annoying me -_-. I prefer to be in summer right now. Gah, i'm so annoyed. My mom also made me move from downstairs to upstairs which is probably why i'm pissed off. Cause when I'm downstairs I feel like time is moving slowly, but when I'm upstairs, for some reason I feel pressureed -_-. It's not a nice feeling what so ever. least today isnt that bad of a hair day :\

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wide Awake

It's 1am at the moment and everyone is going to bed. I know that some people have school tomorrow, but I don't and I wanna talk to people x] I miss talking to vivien around this time. Well, at least I get to think now. Least see, what happened today:

Went to SGI to speak to one of the guys from Soka University, I really have this feeling that, that school is not for me, but we'll see on saturday. I did get a lot of attention though, from the small group we were in. Meh. I don't like attention that much, so nvm.

Went to Barnes & Nobles and "Vampire Stories". Ok, so I'm a bit addicted to vampires. It's not my fault that I like the supernatural. Plus, while I was there I was listening to Tragic But Magic by Henry Homesweet, and I am SO using that song for my halloween video. Its like PERFECT.

Went on BlogTV, i got up to 23 viewers today, woo!! But i lost the majority of them cause Zak went on :\ I had a feeling that I should have just got off, but I stayed till 10. I did get to do this awesome pic while I was on though x] and is now on Chago's myspace :D

Chago, Vanessa and I had the BEST convo in this random chat room. Best lines ever:
Great times, great times. Vanessa is so freaking hilarous, I never saw this side of her x] I'm glad I did though.

Also, I forgot to get my PJs tonight..i have to sleep with my jeans :s ick. this is what i get for losing track of time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thoughts Spinning

Finally a day where I feel a bit "supernatural". I really didn't do much, my mom forced me to go out with her though. I just stayed in the car, that was such a waste. Afterwards I went on blogtv, that was pretty fun, got up to 15 viewers. I'm actually surprised that I'm usually getting this many viewers. Usually I'd be lucky to get three. It was fun though, I actually did talk, but I don't think that many people were paying attention to what I was saying. I did get to wear my new hat finally. Some times I feel like it looks funny on me, but hey I still like it. Someone said that it would better on Chago, that I don't doubt.

At the moment, I have this really strong urge to just IM john(dudeneedaeaseonup), but I am way too nervous. Like seriously, he's kinda big on youtube x] I really wanna meet him though since he lives in brooklyn!! Plus I love the way he sings x]

Another thing that I've been up to today is my music. Sarah downloaded a lot of songs for me, which I thank for so much. Julia also got me TWO tokyo police club songs♥ I'm so happy now. Then I went on myspace and downloaded Henry Homesweet's whole album cause it was free. His techno songs make me think of things I would have never thought before. Like I could see me actually being somewhere else. Some of the songs remind me of a haunted area which made me start thinking of some AWESOME video ideas for halloween. I am SO stuck on video ideas atm, its like really crazy.

My schedule was basically suppose to be like this:

18th-dont date wit
23rd-Villain chapter 2
27th-music video

But my plans are kinda ruined for these reasons:
one) the 18th i'm in cali, so i might do my music video with meg if she wants and then upload it on the 27th?
two)kadin most likely is busy on tuesday so i cant make a vid with him till i get back :(
three)GAHNESS cause i have other ideas for my halloween vid, plus the 20th is my one yr anniversary.

I might not do anything special for that though. I think I'm gonna get started on my collab first then. I guess its not too bad rearranging the dates.

Henry Homesweet is seriously a great techno..person thing..rofl x]

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Shouldn't Be Up

So today was basically film making/watching day. Made two videos, an hour each and watch DONT MESS WITH ZOHAN. Man that was a good movie. I also hung out with Kadin and Kainat, I didn't have that much fun though, it was so different. I dont knoe why. I've been thinking though, just about this one guy. That has so much in common with me and I feel like he would be the perfect guy for me, but I have this feeling that if I tell him he'll get freaked out or it will just never happen. At the moment, I just want to hug him ♥ I am soooooo tired, but I did sleep a bit last night and hopefully I'll get to sleep in today, if not i'll die.

Oh btw, i LOVE this picture of Chago.

Also, my dad forgot to turn off his cellphone or something because it's been vibrating for the past three hours and I don't think it'll let me sleep. I've just had a long day. Why do I feel like I want to sleep on someone's shoulder x] I'm so strange.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

'Its All Down Hill From Here'

Today, I sitll felt tired as hell. I mean I know I shouldn't be staying up so late and it's most likely the reason why i've been feeling shitty, but i can't help myself. Everyone is on around...late time. I went to manhattan today around 11am. I didn't do much, just bought a fall out boy hat and waited till henry and kadin arrived. Henry finally got taller, still not taller than me, but at least he grew. I was so excited and happy when they got to the resturant, but i also had this feeling that i was going to be left out or say something wrong. Like seriously, henry and i dont have that many things in common anymore. Metal bands suck, even my dad says so and he knoes what music is. I was really just walking around with them not saying anything. Just listening! I don't know why I have so much anger in me, I just kinda want to be alone. I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow. Ugh, it felt like the weekend already. Well, at least I have only two days of school next week and one of those days is a trip. Oh joy!

-_- i am so not in the mood to do or say ANYTHING right now
Yet again, Chago makes me feel better:
shut up chago: take on meee
thenameswit: TAKE MEEE ONNNN
shut up chago: I'LL BE GOOOOOONE
thenameswit: in a day or TWOOOOOOOOOOOOO
thenameswit: is it that?
thenameswit: idek
shut up chago: yeah x]
thenameswit: OH YAY
shut up chago: OMG
shut up chago: ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?
shut up chago: smiles and her laughterrrr
shut up chago: is the only thing that i've been waiting foorrrrrr
shut up chago: a timeee
shut up chago: regardless of our distances and our hope, grows greaterrr
thenameswit: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
shut up chago: trapped by pretty eyes and letters for all time
shut up chago: the only thing i've been waiting for
shut up chago: i hope it's something worth the waiting
shut up chago: 'cause it's the only thought that i ever feel
shut up chago: thunder storms could never stop me
thenameswit: ROFL
thenameswit: OMG
shut up chago: she's simple yet confusing
shut up chago: her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble
shut up chago: days seem blah
shut up chago: too much typing
thenameswit: LOLOLOL
shut up chago: do you know that song? xD
thenameswit: OMG
thenameswit: YES
thenameswit: SWEENEY TODD
shut up chago: um
shut up chago: no. lmao
thenameswit: wait
thenameswit: rofl
shut up chago: LMAO
thenameswit: i was thinking
shut up chago: xDDD FAIL.
thenameswit: and then i was like ...waiit...
shut up chago: no x]
thenameswit: um
shut up chago: i'll send it to you
shut up chago:
thenameswit: :O i knoe this band
shut up chago: that was my favorite band
shut up chago: back in the day. x]
shut up chago: i still love them even though they broke up. x]
shut up chago: sonny moore solo = not so great
thenameswit: ^.^
shut up chago: replace emily with whitney xD
thenameswit: emily is my cousins name
shut up chago: well
shut up chago: this one's about whitneyyyyyyyy
thenameswit: you make my day chago<3>

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not Enough Sleep

The word of the day; CRANKY! So last night was an awesome night because I was talking to Kadin till 1am, and we seriously had a good convo. After that though, I wasn't able to sleep. I kept waking up thinking it was 6:30 then trying to go back to sleep. When I got to school my eyes were so heavy and you know how english class is usually the dullest thing ever, well that didn't help me stay awake. Government you really have to pay attention to what everyone is saying. So I tried my best to open my eyes wide so it would LOOK like I was paying attention. Gym woke me up, but on the wrong side of the bed. Everyone in my grade knows that when it comes to volley ball I'm violent. I don't know why, but it just gets all my stress and anger out. I wasn't even mad, I mean last night I was happy and I was hoping it would continue on today. But man, someone ticked me off and I just started hitting the ball harder and harder. Then in chemistry, I just went out of it.

So this guy named Bilal claims I'm in a gang just because my sneakers have blue bandanas in it. At first it was funny, but now its just annoying. Especially when he was like "You shouldn't talk because your a cript(sp)" and i said " YOU should talk to ME like that!"I was just about to rant on his ass. Then David mocked me and I said "SHUT UP" threw my sweater at his head and said "FUCK YOU" I got up to get my sweater and I noticed he was covering his arms (since i tend to pinch his arms really hard). So I smack him on the head and he said "YOU TOLD ME TO PROTECT MY ARMS!" and i was like "well, now protect your head."

Math was pretty bad too:

thenameswit: my friend karla said that she couldnt come to hang out with me and kadin
thenameswit: and i knoe my dad wouldnt let me and kadin hang out alone
thenameswit: kadin's being our old friend henry though x]
thenameswit: henry makes fun of me so much though ugh
thenameswit: so i tell her "NO BUT KARLA I NEED YOU"
thenameswit: "my parents only trust you! do you really think they'll let me go to manhattan by myself?!"
thenameswit: and then david comes in and says
thenameswit: "you've never been to manhattan by yourself?"a
thenameswit: and the first thing i do is turn to him and looked him straight in the eye
thenameswit: and said
thenameswit: and then he repeated himself again
thenameswit: and i said "YOU, SHUT THE FUCK UP"
shut up chago: dawg
shut up chago: you should've socked him.
thenameswit: i did
thenameswit: i do like everyday
shut up chago: lmao xD
thenameswit: for no reason x]
shut up chago: in teh face?
shut up chago: *the
thenameswit: nah, in the arm, back of the head, leg, back and sometimes a punch in the stomach

*sigh* i've just been so moody and angry and strange. Alina came over though and we had fun just talking about stuff. She stayed till 8:30 or so. Then Kevin from sayhellotoseven asked me to sub for sayhellotoseven and i was like YEY :D but the video took me about an hour or two to edit. Ugh, hopefully I'll gain SOME subscribers out of this because seriously I'm going nowhere on youtube, i'm like at a stop. I dont care, yet i feel like if i had a bit more subs I'd feel way better about making videos. But whatever, I still love making videos, even without an audience.

Tomorrow BETTER be good since I'm spending the day with Kadin and Henry, otherwise I will be pissed off as hell this weekend.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's official, I haven't written in my journal for several days. I think I've gave up. I won't give up on this though, I need somewhere to write down how I feel about things, right? Today, my feeling is ..strange. After putting out my Disturbia video, the related videos had to do with Disturbia the movie. So I clicked on several of the trailers and most of them had kissing. Wanna knoe a secret, (most of you probably know this already but,) i've never had my first kiss. Not even a kiss on the cheek (that aren't from friends -_-). I did have several dreams of recieving my first kiss though. All of those dreams felt so realistic! But how the hell would I know since I dont even know how a kiss feels like.

AW ISNT THAT THE CUTEST PICTURE IN THE WORLD! I showed it to my new friend sarah, she agrees ;). I'm actually jealous that those little kids have kissed before I have. I guess I'm just waiting for the right guy. Cause I've had three guys ask me out, but turned them down because I didn't just want to give up my first kiss or anything, like that. Not just that, but I'm a very senitive person. One kiss would probably mean the world for me, I mean have you read my other blogs?!I really do take things to heart. I'm just a very very strange girl. You're never gonna guess who I really want to be with right now though, and I'm never gonna tell x]

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chago Day

Guess what! Got my laptop yesterday, but after that I've forgotten to write in my journal :\ I don't feel like writing in there anymore. I mean like I have this and I write in it everyday. But my journal like has some things that I wouldn't say here. Idk what to do. I'm really happy to have my laptop back though, I feel like everything brand new and etc. It's a great feeling I suppose. I do have to start EVERYTHING over though, even my stories. I did save all my stories, but they were in a different format and i dont have it now :( really sad, cause my stories were like LONG. I find it funny that yesterday i blogged too early and today too late. Today was a good itunes day. After watching Mac's ipod commercial thing i downloaded it and other videos AND got the song disturbia♥. ITS MY GUILTY PLEASURE OK!! i've listened to it seven times already. Chago and i had an awesome convo today. I seriously love talking to that kid. he makes my day x] Speaking of Chago, i have a lovely picture of him ;) aw, he looks so SMALL!! chago if you see this BFF4L dude.

thenameswit: omgomgomgomg
thenameswit: chago
thenameswit: i love you
shut up chago: i love you too, didi.
thenameswit: didi?!
thenameswit: WHO IS DIDI!?
thenameswit: D:<
shut up chago: you!
thenameswit: i'm didi?
thenameswit: since when?
thenameswit: i thought i was wiwi
shut up chago: lmao
shut up chago: weezy
thenameswit: x]
thenameswit: cheezy
thenameswit: hahahaha
shut up chago: o bby ;D
thenameswit: ROFL xD shush <3

oh also, john says i'm the female version of chago and chago is the male version of me x]

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Identification Please

I fail at life period. So today I was suppose to take my SAT's, I got up early and it felt like a friday, so I didn't mind getting up early. I was a bit nervous, but i was even more nervous when I looked at the paper and it said "need proper PICTURE ID". The last ID i had expired two years ago. So I was basically screwed. My dad said "well if i come with you saying that you're my daughter they should let you still take the test. I didn't believe that, but I went anyways. It doesn't hurt to try? I met up with my friend Sharon and she was looking at my ticket, my ticket had the WRONG SCHOOL. My own school information was wrong -_-, so now i was double screwed. We went in, and went straight to the office and the lady said "your daughter needs an ID" she was nice about it though. That's just great, I'm taking my SAT's in nov -_-. My lucky shirt didn't help me out today. :\ There's SOME good news though, my video is uploading on trv, for once. So woo? ugh, who am i kidding, this is a disaster.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Female Version of Peter Pan

It's official, scratch that, it's been official. I wanna stay 17 forever. It's a lovely age don't you think? Not "too" old and not that young. I guess the only reason why I'm saying that is because I feel like I'm a failure at being grown up. I'm the kind of person who rather hang out with their family and nothing else. That's changing a bit though. I've been hanging out with Kadin like at least once a week. It's fun though, and I can say I have a life now. Oh, and Kadin, Karla and I are suppose to hang out in Manhattan on Thursday. I so to my dad "so thursday..." and he was like "we're going to manhattan" xD i was like "well, yeh that was my plan too, but i wanna go with my friends so could you just drop us off and etc?" "sure" :D plans do work out sometimes. My mom yesterday wanted to knoe what boy was in here house xD Her reactions make me laugh sometimes. She was like "and he was in your room???" "Dont worry mom, the door was open" "no no no, i mean your room was clean?" hahahahaha. So I know now my parents trust me, they're just weird. So let's talk about what happened today.

12am-??: couldn't sleep for some strange reason
6:30-finally fell asleep, but MOM woke me up -_-
6:30-6:50-TRYING to take a little nap.
7:00-7:45-getting ready for bleh school.
7:50-8:07-mom complaining about idk, the whole drive while my sister and i ignored her.
government-I was trying to participate, but she never picked on me :\
gym-meh, was kinda fun till KAINAT gave me 2 hours worth of SILENCE -_- (jerk)
physics-i got to stand up like 649375 times at least. (i dont like sitting down and do nothing)
lunch-kainat still gave me the silenceee, so i talked to kim. (jerkkkkkkkk)
math-ok, but didnt do to much.
art-kinda fun just filming, but really? what the hell am i gonna do with the film if my laptop isnt working xD
back home-got an email from kadin so i emailed him back AND made a new song :)

{i dont knoe what its called yet & not done}

Pesky mosquito bite
little kids that wanna fight
there’s a pimple on my chin

alcohol spilled here
oh please mother dear
don’t yell in my ear

is it my fault that I wanna punch you in the face?
I don’t care cause I’ve made too many mistakes

Help me get out of this stupid stage
I wanna stay young, I don’t wanna change.

Sneaking boys when you’re out
oh please don’t shout
I’m too busy now

fail a class or two
oh boy I’m pretty screwed
cause its my senior year too

is it my fault that I wanna punch you in the face?
I don’t care cause I’ve made too many mistakes

Help me get out of this stupid stage
I wanna stay young, I don’t wanna change.
What happened to me swinging on the monkey bars
But now everything is way too bizarre.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fine You Were Right, This Wound Needs Ice

So Tokyo Police Club made a NEW remix of the song Juno and I swear I have never felt so happy or even spiritual this whole month, well..when i say this i mean September because today is October. Kadin is suppose to be coming over today, but I feel like I always have to call him to remind him. xD It happens I guess, but today I didn't call him, I'm kinda waiting for him to call me. I seriously just might end up calling him. blah. GAH so yeh, silly me i just called him and it went straight to voice mail, but its one of those voicemails that go "Hello? Nah I'm kidding, I'm not really here right now" -_- and i was like "Hey...GAH" Cause that was seriously that fastest I've ever heard someone pick up. That jerk. So lately, I've been addicted to myspace again, but just mainly cause of the remix song. I don't reply to some photo cmts and just cmts which is kinda of mean of me, but i really dont want to get sucked into cmting back and forth again. That's only on days when I'm EXTREMELY bored. Today, Kadin should be here and we SHOULD be hanging out till 2, then my dad and him leaves and i can do my homework from 2-5:30. So last night, I stayed up till 12am listening to tokyo police club, I also printed out three new pictures from them :D I might google them right now just for the hell of it. I miss collecting tokyo police club pictures. Hopefully, I'm like their number one fan..everrrr. I already dedicated a video to them, but I might do it again when my laptop actually TURNS ON. This saturday is going to suck. :\ SAT's are never fun. Oh and two more things , one trv got partnered and two matt's quitting.

Ok, so uh now its 4:34 before it as 11:30. Kadin came over x] I had a fun time, I really don't trust writing in this blog just because I know whos reading this. I will tell everyone this much:
thenameswit: ooh lemme tell you what happened
thenameswit: ok so, kadin came around..12:45?
thenameswit: and my dad was leaving at 2pm
thenameswit: and my dad was gonna kick kadin out at 2pm
thenameswit: cause then i'd be home alone with my sis
thenameswit: but like when my dad was leaving, i was just talking to kadin outside
thenameswit: waiting for my dad to leave
thenameswit: and finally when my dad left
thenameswit: i told kadin to come back inside

That's all you have to knoe x]

HAHA, GOTCHYA, today is like the 7th of october and i've decided to releave what happened.
so before when my dad was in the house, we were a bit distance and he was playing guitar. but once my dad left he tried sitting on my chair but i knocked him off, and then he went on to my bed and just laid there. i decided to lay next to him cause there was a bit of room. we just talked and talked and looked at the ceiling till he got out his phone to see what time it was. I noticed that his cell was on low battery so i got up and tried to charge it, but i couldn't open it so i went back over and laid down again. he opened it, but then put his cell into camera mode, trying to take pictures of me but i reach over to get his cellphone and i was partically on top of him. then we went back to laying down just talking again. I brought up when he almost died me with that rock and he started laughing and i said "shush!" then just poked his side. x] then he grabbed my hand and his foot was trying to push me away but it was just on my stomach. he kept grabbing my hand and i kept trying to poke him. finally i said "dude, i can so win this just watch" and he was like "wanna bet?" so i won and i poked him good, till he got up. then he laid back down next to me and i rested my head on his shoulder and said "so who won now?" and he goes "me" so i start poking him again, but this time he grabbed one of my hands like oober hard, so i gave up and he was like "i won" and i'm like "no you cheated" which reminded me of the first day we met. then he got up and sat on my chair and i just sat up straight facing him. i had the guitar and just started singing him some of my songs. while i was doing that he was just thinking, so i put my guitar away and i reached out for his hand. I was just swinging his hand around, then playing around with his fingers. I let got around five minutes or so and later on did the same thing, but this time i didnt play around with his fingers. i love the fact that he just lets me hold him hand, its a nice feeling.

Oh and one more thing;

buhnanuh50: i can't think of any other words that mean "aww"!
thenameswit: xD
thenameswit: good
thenameswit: lol
buhnanuh50: i looked it up in my e-thesaurs!
thenameswit: LOL
thenameswit: DO IT
buhnanuh50: i did! xD
buhnanuh50: i'll make up a word for it
buhnanuh50: mahhhhhhhmmmmm!
thenameswit: AHHAHAHA
buhnanuh50: it sort of sounds like a sexy whale call.
buhnanuh50: yes indeed.
thenameswit: HAHAHA

Hannah's the best.